Saturday, April 25, 2009

Twitter Reports Are Working

My new service that filters Twitter to pull up relevant messages seems to be working well. Not many people are posting messages yet but the season is still young.

Right now I have pages displaying messages for these waters:
- Lake Powell
- Strawberry
- Green River
- Provo River
- Willard Bay
- Utah Lake

When I post an update it appears on the page within a matter of seconds. I can post by just sending a text message from my cell phone, so it is easy.

The filter looks for key words. For example, any message including "Lake Powell" will appear on the Lake Powell page. It isn't perfect, some extraneous messages get through. But over all, it works well.

If several of us post messages while we are out fishing, we will have a valuable service that is almost real time. See my previous post for more info.

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