Friday, August 03, 2007

Get Ready For Archery Deer Hunt, Turkeys, Chukars, Pheasants

DWR has released an Archery Deer Hunt forecast by region, saying the number of young bucks is up this year.

DWR includes tips for a safe archery hunt.

DWR is proposing major changes in turkey hunting, and has scheduled youth pheasant and cuckar hunts.

These are excellent, in-depth articles. Hunters interested in these species should read them.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Google Maps Show Locations of Waterfalls

I've been way too busy lately, but have still found time to make a few website improvements. I've been implementing Google Maps on the site, and using them to provide an alternate navigation method.

I never actually finish anything, but my waterfalls section shows the concept. Note that when you click on one of the markers it opens a small window with a title, link and thumbnail. That gives you some info to use as you judge whether you want to click further to an inside page.

I plan to use this kind of scheme throughout the website, if I can find time to develop it. Fishing sections, in particular, will be enhanced when people can see where waters are, and see a photo of the waters, before clicking.

I'm interested in comments - what do you think about this approach.

- Dave