Thursday, September 19, 2019

New Contest At

My friends at have a great new contest going:

Creepy Crawly Halloweenie Things

They want to see photos of Halloween-related things you have made using paracord.

 • All things creepy, crawly

• Bracelets, straps, critters, decorations

• Items made to share or sale

• Anything with a Halloween theme

They want to see your ideas, reward your creativity, and give you a chance to win free paracord (and related products). Submit photos of your creations and you could win $100 in merchandise from If you sell online, you are welcome to include your shop url.

You can enter multiple times; we ask that you only enter once per day. We will have three winners and each will receive a $100 gift certificate.

 • One based on public votes

 • One chosen by our staff for most creative

 • One chosen via random drawing from all entries

People will be able to see, share and vote for your entry immediately after it is uploaded. Please share the contest page and invite your friends to vote for your submissions.

Here's the contest page: