Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Feds Decide Bonneville Cutthroat Is Not Endangered

The US Fish and Wildlife Service ruled Tuesday that the Bonneville cutthroat trout is not endangered. That's good news for the fish and for Utah sportsmen.

The fish was once through to be totally extinct, before small populations were found in isolated streams in the Great Basin. Those populations were carefully protected, and biologists have been carefully transplanting the fish into other suitable streams.

The reintroduction program has been so successful that the fish is not considered endangered. Additional work is needed, and sportsmen need to be flexible as the fish is transplanted into more waters.

Had the fish been declared endangered, the federal government would have taken control of reintroduction efforts. That could have complicated Utah's extensive sport fish stocking program, and resulted in more major fisheries being managed specifically for the Bonneville Cutt, at the expense of sport fishing..

As is, Utah has carefully reintroduced the fish while also enhancing sport fishing in affected areas.

Below are some news articles about the decision.
Cutthroat trout ducks endangered species list
Feds won't extend protections to Bonneville trout
Bonneville Trout Isn't Endangered
Bonneville Cutthroat Stay off Endangered List

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