Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Paracord for hunting and fishing

I'm going to start posting again, trying to make this useful.

Lately I've been carrying 550 paracord in my gear bag and I find it useful for securing gear, making repairs and creating items for specific needs.

I get all of my 550 paracord from https://paracordgalaxy.com. I know the guys there. It is a small, family-owned business based in St. George, Utah, where I grew up. They have a huge variety of cord at the best prices around and their customer service is top notch.

I recently bought a good, used bass boat. In my initial check I notices several little things that needed attention but nothing serious. I think I got a great deal. The first time I launched it I was surprised to find that the boat trailer bunk boards were held on with paracord. The screws/bolts and fallen out and the previous owner just wrapped them in paracord to keep them in place.

That fix worked but I don't consider it a good long-term solution. I'm now installed new bunk boards using real bolts.

https://paracordgalaxy.com recently did an interesting contest to learn about real-world fixes - ways customers actually use paracord. The photo on this blog shows one of the winners. See all the results here: https://paracordgalaxy.com/content/21-paracord-uses.

Paracordgalaxy.com's latest promotion suggests camo paracord for hunting. They have a huge selection of camo cords to match any hunting situation.

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