I’m now ready to dramatically improve this website, with the goal of turning it into a valuable reference for information on fishing, hiking, camping and other outdoor activities in Utah and the surrounding areas.
More Articles
The site already includes a large number of good magazine-style articles from the old Utah Outdoors/Utah Fishing magazine. I’ll post a bunch more during the coming weeks. In addition, I will write new articles as time provides, and also post articles written by other outdoors enthusiasts.
More Photos
I’ll also be posting my extensive photo library. I have hundreds of good photos sitting in a filing cabinet and I will post them to the site. I will also add new photos as I can.
More Video
I now have a fair assortment of video clips on the site. I’ve recently learned better ways to post them and so I’ll be improving that service. In addition, I’ll continue to post new clips.
I will use this blog to highlight new info and provide updates about outdoor adventure opportunities.
I now make my living providing internet consulting services and helping companies develop content (text, photos, video) for websites. I travel frequently and often enjoy outdoor adventures as part of my job. I’ll describe those adventures in this space.
I’ve been so busy the past few months, I’ve ignored this website. I’ve now decided I need to make it a showpiece, to support my professional work while it also provides a service for sportsmen.
I invite you to subscribe to the XML feed for this blog, and to visit the website often.