If you are looking for a fun adventure, try riding ATVs over the desert and mountain trails in Castle Valley, south of Price. It is very scenic country, with excellent trails that are not overrun by enthusiasts. And it is only a couple hours away from the Wasatch Front. It’s one of my favorite playgrounds.
Don’t have ATVs? No problem. You can rent them from a company called Extreme Adventure Rentals, located in Castledale. You can rent machines for your entire family, multiple times, for much less than you would spend buying just one ATV. My friend, Jonathan Fauver, runs the operation.
The also rent watercraft, for use on reservoirs in their area and also on major waters around the state. In winter they rent snowmobiles.
I helped them put together this website: www.earentals.com. It isn’t completely finished yet, but is a very good start.
Give Jon a call and he’ll set you up for adventure: 866-596-RIDE (7433).
- Dave