Google maps have become quite useful in a number of situations. As I have time, I’ll incorporate some here to improve this website. I’ve got specific ideas about how I can use them to lead readers to specific information about fishing and other recreational activities.
Meanwhile, at we’ve been incorporating Google maps on a number of pages, using them to help readers navigate to desired info. Our most recent efforts appear on our main State Parks page, with an interactive map showing park locations.
The map makes it easy to see at a glance where state parks are located. Mouse over one of the pins and the name of the park is displayed. Click on a pin and a bubble opens showing details about the park, with a link to that park’s web page.
You can pan the map and make it zoom in and out. It will zoom down to street level, allowing you to see exactly where the parks are located and plan routes.
The Google maps provides amazing detail. We’ve checked locations carefully and we think it is a great improvement. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Since this is a new service, there is always the possibility of mistakes. Let me know if you see any problems.
- Dave