Saturday, March 10, 2007

Photos and Google Maps

My photo gallery is coming together nicely now, with 2-3 new albums going on line every day. At this rate I’ll have most of my best photos up within a months. Take a look, and let me know what you think.

I’ve been playing around with using Google maps on websites. They offer several advantages. For instance, on we want to post maps showing the most popular hiking trails in national parks. We planned to have a graphics person draw them, but now we are thinking maybe Google maps will work better.

1 - You can zoom them in and out, and pan.
2 - You can place markers anywhere you want, including text descriptions and links.
3 - After you get a format down they are easy to post.

We used simple versions for our Arches hiking maps, and they look fine. I think this one turned out very good:

Yesterday I did one for the Angels Landing hike in Zion, incorporating some more advanced features. It works fine when viewed in Firefox, but it crashes sometimes in Explorer. Other times it displays fine in Explorer. You can see it here:

It has me stumped. I thought Explorer was fully compatible with these functions. If you have any insights, please let me know.

(Note 3-12: I solved the IE display problem. I had a
command it didn't like in the script.)

- Dave

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